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Canada Capital City Name

Ottawa: Canada's Capital City

History and Etymology

Ottawa, located in the province of Ontario, is the capital of Canada. Its name originates from the Algonquin word "Ottawas," meaning "trade." The city was incorporated in 1855.

Geographical Location

Ottawa is situated in southeastern Ontario, on the south bank of the Ottawa River. It lies in the eastern extreme of the province.


The coordinates of Ottawa are 45°25'29"N 75°41'42"W.


The city's name is pronounced "ˈɒtəwə" or "ˈɒtəwɑː" in English, and "ɔtawɑ" in French.


As the capital city, Ottawa is the seat of the Canadian government and is home to Parliament Hill, where the Canadian Parliament meets. It also houses numerous government departments, agencies, and museums.
